Friday, February 24, 2012

The Primary Process Post-Citzens United

I had an interesting thought just now. We're not even at Super Tuesday and yet we've seen 20 debates narrowing down eight candidates to four. There are still FOUR candidates, even now. I'm just speculating here, but I don't remember there being such an insanely long primary battle before this one. Aside from the other factors like the lies and misleading ads Super PACs are saying, they're also keeping candidates in the running for way longer. I mean, any dude with ten million dollars can just up and decide to back their man, they're not losing if they have anything to spend about it.

I wonder when people will start putting two and two together and actually start demanding campaign finance reform through legislation. Sooner would be better than later obviously, but my countrymen always seem to find new and insanely irritating ways to surprise me, so who knows. One thing I am pretty sure of though is people are going to tire of this. It may not be obvious on its face, but there will be a reaction of some kind, be it insanely low turn out at the polls or huge chucks of the vote to go to third party candidates or even direct campaigning nationally to current legislators, anything's possible. But then again, somethings are more likely than others. Time will tell.

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