Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If Charles Darwin Were Alive, I'd Give Him A Big'ol High Five

Well well well, look who's got egg on their face 150 years later. Well, I shouldn't poke fun, but I have to admit this is a very satisfying article. Essentially the article says that the Catholic Church now acknowledges Darwin's theory of evolution is compatible with the Bible. Score one for Biologists and people who are educated properly everywhere! An excerpt from the article:

The Catholic Church teaches "theistic evolution," a stand that accepts evolution as a scientific theory and sees no reason why God could not have used a natural evolutionary process in the forming of the human species.

It objects to using evolution as the basis for an atheist philosophy that denies God's existence or any divine role in creation. It also objects to using Genesis as a scientific text.

As Ravasi put it, creationism belongs to the "strictly theological sphere" and could not be used "ideologically in science."

Well, now I suppose Creationists have even more opposition to their views. Yah know, other than most of the rest of the global Christian population that thinks Creationism and Intelligent Design being taught in schools is pretty ridiculous.

Vatican: Guess what, Darwin? Evolution is OK

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