Wednesday, September 17, 2008

NOW, Thanks for actually keeping women's Interests in mind and not bein' fools about it

NOW, the National Organization for Women, endorsed Senator Barack Obama for president recently. I... I'm just so happy right now, as, irrational as it may seem, this feels to me to be an omen of sorts, that McCain's 'Palin boost' is really all hype and when you line the two candidates beside one another, the most intelligent people I've met or heard endorse Barack. It offers hope that the Democrats, despite their terrible missteps in the better part of the past decade, may just win back the executive and just maybe we actually may see changes in how the government is run, since I really doubt that the man who has gone back on some of his most fierce beliefs is going to resist his party's influence if he were president.

National Organization for Women PAC Endorses Obama-Biden

'Hillary's women' reject McCain's VP choice

And just for fun, let's link to a 'why Obama's better' story:
Why Obama's Health Plan Is Better

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