Wednesday, June 11, 2008

John Mcain Didn't Used to Scare Me

So now that the tickets for the two parties of the great two party government that is the US government have been decided (D-Obama, R-Mcain, future me) Mcain, who I used to really like maybe ten years ago (really I had no idea who he was at the time, I just read about and heard some great things he did way back when) but now that I keep reading his voting record for the past few years has been unsettlingly in line with Bush's every desire, that he apparently doesn't know how to use a computer, and that American troops don't really need to leave Iraq, I have some pretty big doubts about him and whether or not his administration would bring this country back fromt he brink of, well I suppose disaster is too strong a term, but what would you call it when going in the price of oil was $8 a barrel and now it's something around $135 a barrel?

Well rest assured future me, this little bit of information scared the living crap out of me when i read it and put Mcain in a very dark political place in the ol' noggin. Now given it's fair to say that this was still earlier in the Bush administration when Mcain said those thigns and he may not have known everything that had been going on and that he said those things when the Bush administration's approval ratings were at least reasonably high, but still. If there's any chance at all that vice president Cheney (who I like to call one of the puppet masters) will be involved in the next presidential administration my insides will just start shrivelling up and go cold. I mean this current administration has already cost me and my entire generation more than anyone could have ever thought possible (who do you think is going to pay for this war, the baby boomers?) but I'm also probably going to have to foot the bill for the leagues of baby boomers that will be retiring during my lifetime and wanting social security checks kust like their parents got when they retired. Seriously, if Cheney still has a political future that isn't all shrouded in shadows and secrecy but is instead left out on a platter for the most influential groups to claw at I don't know what I'd do, future me. Hey though, if the next administration needs more money to fuel some other damned fool idea they can always take money out of education, right?

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