Friday, June 6, 2008

Mission Statement

Before this post I had tried doing various blogs that had a specific audience in mind and a specific kind of genre of blog in mind, and I thought that this kind of classification would make it easier to get myself to write something, anything, just because I want to keep writing and not lose all of those skills I picked up writing paper after paper in college. I tried the personal blog where I became a whiny high school student on the internet venting about their "feelings" and what not, I did the music blog thing but figured there was already enough pretension in the world, so now, I figure I'll just write to a completely new audience; me. Specifically future me. This will be like an electronic journal where forty years from now I'll be looking back and I'll see that I was into this movement or this piece of music or whatever I want to write about when I was just a young whipper snapper, because frankly writing to an audience outside of yourself when you don't lead an interesting life or don't really have an expertise in anything (at least to any practical degree) is just too much useless work, and I really don't care about entertaining other people right now. So, as of this post, I begin the great 'I don't give a crap about your opinion internet' experiment. Not that you ever write back anyway. Jerk.

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