Friday, June 13, 2008

An Omen! Hopefully

So future me, here's the skinny on a dream i just had. Yes, I know, the dream journal thing is just sooo interesting, but bare with me. The setting is a little vague, because I'm the me of right now, but the setting is from the me of the past, around high schoolish. I walk with an enormous amount of people who I don't know into a really huge gimnaysyum that's been decorated with photos taken from the project we're supposed to be working on (it's some sort of field trip/colloquium class hybrid) or studying or some such, and it's a social experiment between groups of 18+ girls and 18+ guys. Also they're naked for some reason, and the study revolves around this fact somehow. Something about the social dynamics of naked chicks in a collosal hot tub (predictable college graduate dream eh?). I didn't really pay attention to the guys part of the social experiment (much to the dismay of the school field trip supervisors, for some reason), so I can't really elaborate on it.

Anywho I begin looking around the room for a familiar face when i spot some peoples from my high school across the room and I wave and approach them. They're all hanging out in a room that's separated from the rest of the high schools and once I get into the room I discover it's actually some sort of a bus or something, because when I walk in we're obviously moving inside of this little box with a few benches and desks inside it. In this bus are three of my old high school buddies, Joey C, Patrice, and Liz (I think that was her name, I'm so bad with names) but they're not the versions of those people I know right now, they're the versions I knew in high school. Apparently they didn't think the field trip project was interesting enough so I joined them and we just made up some bull shit answers for the credit, as is the cutsom amongst high schoolers, and ditched to hang out in some random place. I had no idea we were supposed to have answered any questions at all, but this apparently doesn't matter that much.

Joey (from the past) asks me (of the now) how my job hunt had been going, and I told him that I didn't get the job at Washington University (*sigh*) but I did get the job at UIC, and his immediate response wasn't some kind of simpathy for me and my sadness or anything, it was instead jubilation that I'd be in Chicago for a year and that I should live with the three of them so that we could all "play." I'm not exactly sure what that meant, but the next thing I know I'm actually decent at playing on my drum kit and we're in their idealized college studio appartment jamming out. The place is in a very colorful part of Chicago where there's plently to do and immigrants everywhere, and we all lived like a little family with four odly positioned bunk beds and murals and posters covering wth walls. I was having the time of my life, I was happy. Then i woke up. So Mr. Future me, what do you make of that?

Personally I hope it means that living in Chicago will mean that I'll actually have a good year filled with hanging out with my friends and not living with my parents and basically being miserable. Also I should give Joey a call, I haven't seen that kid in ages.

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