Saturday, June 21, 2008

Scott McClellan, I owe you a beer

This guy's a class act in my book. This man was a part of the Bush administration and was told to tell the American people everything that the administration wanted them to know, and when he either found out or simply suspected that the administration wasn't on the level he did something about it. He wrote a book about his experiences in the administration, pointing out all of his suspicions and the questionable circumstances he witnessed as the White House press secretary and then talked about it in front of a Congressional committee, something that no senior level official in the Bush Administration has been willing to do and for which McClellan is taking all kinds of flack and criticism. So good for you, Mr. McClellan, for standing up for what you believe and speaking up in front of all of your former coworkers and friends, you're a real patriot.

I just hope that the talk of impeachment I saw from Congressman Wexler in the video linked below from the post by The Raw Story goes somewhere and isn't simply something that becomes empty rhetoric that never sees the House floor. Get your head out of your ass Pelosi and friends and realize that impeaching Bush would be one of the best moves the Democrats could make, as well as punishing a clearly corrupt and incompetant executive leadership that needs to be punished in order for this to never happen again.

Dem Rep. calls for impeachment at McClellan testimony: video

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